FSCI Jitsi Meet Crowdfunding Campaign
Jitsi Meet is a privacy respecting, 100% Free Software video conferencing solution that you can use all day, every day, with no account needed. Donating to this campaign helps us to host the service at meet.fsci.in.
Currently, most one on one personal chats and group meetings are conducted using “free = gratis” proprietary services like WhatsApp, Google Meet, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Skype, etc. which collect and aggregate digital data and metadata.
It is therefore important to own our means of digital communications whether you are an individual or an organization.
Jitsi is a secure, fully-featured video conferencing solution that can be used over mobile devices and desktop.
This service, like others from FSCI, is set up and maintained by a group of volunteers who want to spread the message of software freedom to everyone while protecting their privacy.
If you are interested in using the service and the ideals behind running it, donate towards the crowdfunding target amount of 62,500 INR which will cover the cost of running it on a server for 24 months.
The service is running on a Hetzner CPX31 server costing 14.76 Euros/month. It is hosted in their Helsinki, Finland datacenter with 4 vCPU, 8 GB RAM, 160 GB disk space and 20 TB of bandwidth.
Read more
Also read FSF India article on Free Software powered services
Kiran, a FSCI member, has volunteered his bank account for receiving funds for this campaign. The amount collected towards the target of 62500 will be updated on contributors page and in the next section.
Account Details
Name: Kiran S KunjumonAccount No: 67217967805
Bank Branch: SBI Cochin University
IFSC Code: SBIN0070235
UPI ID: 8301817411@sbi
---------57% raised---------
Amount Raised:
35,851 of 62,500 INR goal
Detailed list of contributions.